Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wrapping It Up

This past weekend E.'s best friend had a birthday bash - very exciting! After picking up a few books and a fun play tent, we came home to realize we didn't have anything to wrap up the gift (which was astounding considering the crazy number of gift bags I have).

Then I remembered my tube of brown parcel paper. I had picked some up at the Dollar Store back in April for E. and her friends to color on at her birthday party. I had tons left, and while I wanted some for our art week to make a mural, I new wrapping a few books wouldn't be a big deal.

After I cut the parcel paper to fit the books we would be wrapping, I passed them off to E., along with our giant vase of crayons (yes, I keep our crayons in a vase). On some she drew pictures, others doodles, and for the last one, because she was losing some steam, we both did some colorful squiggles.

This was a really neat way to personalize the gifts a bit and get E. involved in making presents she didn't pick out (I had to pick them up without her) more "from her."
Our final product
I really loved how the gift wrapping came out (the pictures don't do it justice).

I'm definitely seeing this as our Christmas gift wrapping paper as well! Much less expensive, but so much more personal.

If I'd given us some more time, I might have: let E. paint rather than use crayons; tried stamping or sponge painting; dug out the pastels and let her use those (they would have looked really awesome on the paper, but I would have worried about a residue); or cute and glued on construction paper. 

Also, instead of using packaging paper, you can take an old roll of wrapping paper and use the white side.

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