So, first impressions: Damn, does it smell good in here and holy shit, I may work in a high school, but wow that's a lotta teenagers. The discomfort of being around so many who had recently been through puberty aside (this is why I teach adults, not kids), I really super liked it in there. I immediately gravitated toward the bath bombs and bubble bars. I was immediately greeted by a very enthusiastic guy, who was super helpful since I really didn't know what to get. And actually, every employee who I encountered in the store was really sweet (the girl at checkout had a SWEET HP tattoo) and I left with some very fun stuff.
First on the docket are these suckers:
These actually weren't for me, but for the kids. It's play dough for the tub! M. and E. really enjoyed them and they went quick (E. took a bath twice in one day, purely for the fun of using these). They smell wonderful, run the water a fun color, and make lots and lots and lots of bubbles that last a very long time. I actually took a picture of E. in the tub with all her bubbles, but she's forbidden me to post it online, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
First on the docket are these suckers:
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I also got this lovely bath bomb:
It's the Sex Bomb, which is super highly rated on the website, was on the 2015 Nylon Beauty Hit List, and I LOOOOVED it. It fizzed and fizzed and fizzed, scented my whole bathroom with this nice, ethereal scent (I'm terrible at describing scents, so I'm not even going to try, go look at the description on Lush's site if you want an idea). This was a super fabulous way to unwind in the tub.
I also got my hubby a little something (because he probably takes more baths than I do):
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Finally, there is my absolutely favorite purchase:
Do you remember a scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when Harry is taking a bath in the prefects' bathroom and he fills the swimming pool sized tub with deliciously scented and colored bubbles? This is as close as I'll ever come (and believe me, I've daydreamed about that wonderful bath since I was in middle school). That tub was so full of bubbles, the bathwater such a pretty color, so full of bubbles and wonderful scents I was determined to never come out (which actually almost happened, I fell asleep in the tub). This is the Unicorn Bubble Bar and I just sort of want all of them. If the unicorn part doesn't sell you (And I mean, how could it not?), the sheer fact that it is just wonderful to smell and feel and lives you smelling pretty and looking just a tiny bit sparkly should really do the trick.
God, do I already love a good, hot bath, but these up the whole hot-water-in-a-big-old-fashioned-claw-foot-tub experience to another level. Love. It.
So, I feel like I've done quite a few review-y kind of posts lately (or maybe just two - not paying a lot of attention). I promise, more posts of substance are coming, I'm just really enjoying being able to afford STUFF lately.
P.S. I don't really dislike being around teenagers. I just dislike being around teenagers when I'm at the mall. It reminds that I'm old. 😬 Why being at a high school 35 hours a week doesn't doe this I don't know, probably because I regularly have former teachers telling me I don't look any different than I did 10 (TEN!!!) years ago. 😀
God, do I already love a good, hot bath, but these up the whole hot-water-in-a-big-old-fashioned-claw-foot-tub experience to another level. Love. It.
So, I feel like I've done quite a few review-y kind of posts lately (or maybe just two - not paying a lot of attention). I promise, more posts of substance are coming, I'm just really enjoying being able to afford STUFF lately.
P.S. I don't really dislike being around teenagers. I just dislike being around teenagers when I'm at the mall. It reminds that I'm old. 😬 Why being at a high school 35 hours a week doesn't doe this I don't know, probably because I regularly have former teachers telling me I don't look any different than I did 10 (TEN!!!) years ago. 😀