Oh, the glorious last days of August. This year, by some miracle, the school year doesn't start for us until August 31st, with K-12 students returning September 1st (this is unheard of for me - I cannot remember a school year that started with a nine in all my years, except for maybe my freshman year of college). Being in adult education, we have a reprieve of a week, our students returning the day after Labor day, but we'll still be busy.
This is probably one of my favorite times of year. I look forward to the return to school like I do Christmas. New beginnings, new people, new things to do. I've had my fun, my freedom, but now it's time to buckle down and go to work, which means a new kind of fun.
This school year is particularly busy because three out of the four members of our little household will be in school. E. is starting the 2nd grade, something that is a bit of an unknown to us at the moment, as we haven't had the usual letter from the school or her teacher, who remains a mystery to us. And the hubs and I are both going back to school. I'm starting my master's in Adult and Higher Education, taking on two courses this fall. The hubs is (finally) starting his bachelor's degree, going the route of public administration. He's taking his first college course ever this fall, Introduction to Psychology. I cannot fully express my sheer delight in this new endeavor of his! I am immensely proud of him for taking this step, and I can't wait to be study buddies, even if he's not quite as excited about studying as I am.
So as this half of a week left before school starts carries on, I will fill it with last minute cleaning projects (I have a half completed list that I hope to get all the way completed by Monday), the buying and prepping of lunches, and putting together study guides for myself and the hubs. It'll be FUN!! (I keep telling myself this; if I say it enough times, it will be true, right?).
Here's to hoping everything gets done as and when it should, without bloodshed. >:-D (This is meant to be a manic grin.)
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