Thursday, May 7, 2015

Unblocked Writer

I'm back, but with no agenda, no plans, no little granular thoughts. Simply, I'm here to fill space that I have so desperately wanted to fill. I want to spread out all over this white, blank space and saturate it. Words want to tumble from my brain like so many raindrops from the water-heavy sky and soak into the bone dry earth.

Let me spin sentences like a spider does her web. Let me pluck words like flowers from a field. Let me weave together pieces of thoughts like a bracelet of embroidery floss - colorful and meaningless, durable all the same. Let me deliver you more analogies and metaphors like a waiter at an endless feast who does not stop even when you cry how over-full you are.

Sometimes I just need to let out all these words that haven't made their way out in the midst of writing assignments and work emails. I don't think the principal wants to hear me spin fabulous tails and I think my students are already a little bit bored with me.

My writer's brain is getting a little feisty, irritated, even. It hears me talk about writing all the time, it's interest being piqued even at the mention of five paragraph essays, and wonders why so much talk and so little doing. So, here I am, taking my poor little writer's brain out for a walk. It was once a galloping St. Bernard, huge and harry and full of joy, but now it's been reduced to a small, yappy pup, terrier size, making up for it's lack of size by it's inexhaustible bark. I can see it stretching it's stubby legs here over the screen, leaping over the overburdened metaphors like hurdles, and not quite clearing them (perhaps because there are too many).

Forgive my me zeal on this page, forgive me my absence and my periodic returns. I needed a spot to rest, but now I must return.

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