Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Finding the Marbles

Oh, what is it about this time of year, where my brain takes off and scatters itself all over the place? The juggling act, which I wasn't so good at to begin with, comes crashing down around me and I can't seem to catch a single ball falls from the air. We're desperate for summer in this house. E. can't take another moment of school (thank goodness for her Mammy and Poppy - they're whisking her away on a several-day-long camping trip up in "God's Country"; it's a trip of which I'm very much jealous). I can't quite let go of work and separate myself. We're all hungry for some time together and to have one less thing to do. And goodness, do we need to unplug.

It wasn't that long ago that I was touting how well we were doing sans screens. And we really were. And suddenly working full-time sapped my ability to handle my children's needs in full force and screens became a much needed buffer between my tired body and brain and their immediate needs. (On another note, this led to the mommy-guilt rabbit hole that spiraled in a whole other, rather dark, direction.) Now we're far too glued to screens, too plugged in, and someone needs to pull the cord.

That's my goal for the summer, to unplug and free ourselves. I want to purge everything from our house, all the things we don't need and don't use (or shouldn't) and just bring the basics back to myself and my children. I'm starting to feel frazzled and I know the kids are, too. When every morning is starting out in tears, something has to give.

I think I'm going to spend this summer gathering up all those bits of my brain that have scattered themselves, like marbles escaped from their jar. I want to reconnect to my life, my children and husband, while we all disconnect from the external distractions in our lives.

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